Sunday, May 25, 2008

~♥~Do You Know.........??

Do You Know what is the National Flower of Afghanistan Country? Guess what???

Many people said that, it is "Poppy" he heh.


Despite the obvious answers of other contributors e.g. poppy and other facile views, one person was partially correct in saying that Afghanistan does not have any particular flower as one of its national emblems.

However, one flower could be claimed to be its true national flower - AND IT AIN'T THE POPPY! It just so happens that the poppy seems to grow well there!

The flower which comes closest to being an Afghan native is the TULIP. Although tulips may be associated with Holland, both the flower and its name originated in the Persian Empire. The tulip is actually not a Dutch flower as many people tend to believe. The tulip, or "Laleh" as it's called in Persian, is a flower indigenous to Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey and other parts of Central Asia. Which parts of a tulip one might smoke, sniff or otherwise ingest I don't know - and anyway "Tulips from Afghanistan" might not ever be a very popular song.


So the answer is, It's not the poppy, or Tulip.
IT'S DOESN'T HAVE any National emblem.


Golden Quill said...

Wow!! Your site's beautiful and your daughter too. So you're from Afghanistan? how laong have you been here in Pakistan. I'm new at Blogger and I'm really looking forward to make friends.
By the way very very best of luck with your upcoming little guest (I wonder If you can understand Urdu... "Nanha Mehman"):)
Keep smiling n lots of love for Malaeka (looking gorgeous in first pic with dopatta and peshawari frock!!!)

Mama of 2 Princess said...

Golden quill,
Thank you very much for your compliment, and also for visiting my blog :)

Actually i am Malaysian (wish u know where is it :P), my hubby is Afghan. I've been in Pakistan since i married. Few years back. I am new in blogger too, and i like to make friends with you.

Thank you again for the wish for my upcoming baby. Well, i do understand a little urdu, but not so good in it as my late dad was from India. We don't practic that language, i wish i can speak Urdu. I do know Mehman, mean guest...but Nanha....hmmm, u have to tell me :) My PIL are afghan, so they talk Pashto, thats why i know Pashto Language.

That was afghan traditional dress which Malaekah wore...on her second birthday.

Anyway i will visit your blog too InsyaAllah. Keep in touch okay.

Sultana said...

Interesting post Shinky. I didn't know that Afghanistan has tulips too. I could only imagine afghanistan a dry and hot country and no flowers like tulips. Seems like I am wrong. :D

Keep giving us more info on Afghanistan Shinky. :D

Gille said...

Thus I have heard that tulips are originated not from Holland. The Dutch gets the recognition for commercialising it!
I love tulips. They give very mild plus scent.

Farah Deen said...

Shinky, That's interesting. I don't think all countries have a national flower anyway, but knowing that tulips grow well in Afghanistan is amazing. It must be because of the weather. I love tulips.

Afghan ada winter pun kan? I know the mountain areas are really cold, my sister used to teach English to the Afghanis when she was in the UK. Most of them are really fair and they do look like Europeans too, in fact better! LOL Bnayak yg lari ke UK as asylums.

Mama of 2 Princess said...

yup, memang ada tulip di afghanistan, dan juga ada winter...musim sejuk memang sejuk giler, ramai yang mati kelaparan dan kesejukan.

Okay, i will try to give info about afghanistan time by time...kalau rajin ler..he he


It's interesting kan...tulah, tempat asal tulip tak jadik glamour, kat tempat lain pulak..,when we saw tulip, automatically we recall holland right. I love tulips too.


shinky pun tak tau sebelum ni, until one day i asked my hubby, what is the national flower of Afghanistan, he replied "rose" then he laugh, he he...i know he was kidding, so i made a research on it made me clear about it.

Memang ada few other countries yg tak ada bunga kebangsaan bagi negara mereka, tapi yang i pasti Indonesia ada 3 jenis bunga kebangsaan. :)

Gille said...

Iceland pun tak ada bunga kebangsaan. Tengah cari.. tak dapat lagi.. or mungkin saya miss the train.

Mama of 2 Princess said...

Jemer, kalau tak silap, bunga kebangsaan negara iceland ialah "mountain avens", unique and beautiful flower.

here the link of the pic of mountain avens flower:

weih, panjang lah pulak dia punya url...he he he