Sunday, May 18, 2008

~♥~Menghitung Hari

My baby is 34 weeks 3 days old now. How times fly huh. I am so excited to see how he/she will looks like. I am counting a day now, it said in above chart, 39 more days to go. I am not buying anything yet for this new arrival, I just don't feel like want to buy anything yet. I think i am going to use Malaekah's stuff for a while. When this beloved baby born, after that I will buy things for him/her. Ini bukan bermakna, that I am not as excited as I was when I want to born my princess Malaekah, just this time, I am more patient for buying things.

Lately, i looooove to eat yoghurt, and chewing ice chewing a bubble Crap crap crap....yummyyyy. Dunno why, maybe because the weather is getting hot here. Cannot stand without fan or AC. Now is the season of watermelon and mango. My FIL bought me watermelon everyday, he said it's good for the baby in my tummy..he he. I don't eat heavy meal these days, as I don't feel like to do so. Instead, I prefer to drink plenty of milk, eat yoghurt, fruits and drink skyjuices all the times.

At night, well, it's really horrible, i can't sleep. Move right, move left, try to sit, then lay down, put pillow everywhere, still can't close my eyes. Moreover, my lil princess Malaekah also disturbing me, almost a whole night, because she always get up and cried a loud, I dunno why. Probably the same reason, the hot weather. Thank God, setiap petang kami dapat melelapkan mata sekejap.
Baby dalam perut ni pula, semakin hari semakin kuat rasa mengeliatnyer. Yelah, space kat dalam tu dah tak berapa nak ada, boleh mengeliat jer lah. Kadang-kadang kelakar pulak tengok pergerakkan dia kat perut ni....:) Betapa besarnya kuasa Allah, tak tercapai dek akal fikiran, bagaimana satu nyawa boleh membesar di dalam rahim seorang ibu selama 9 bulan sebelum dilahirkan ke dunia ini.

Kini, diri ini menghitung hari untuk melahirkan bayi ini, doa mama semoga sayang mama lahir dengan keadaan yang selamat dan sihat serta cukup sifat. Semoga segalanya dipermudahkan oleh-Nya. Amin.


Shhh... said...

Semoga semuanya selamat. Jangan lupa letak gambo tawwww

Gille said...

Yes, life is actually a mystery. What more for a life that is living in us.

I loved ice cubes too, I felt so good crunching them between my teeth/

Farah Deen said...

i am damn excited to hear that u are approaching labour! A wonderul and amazing experince that is so hard to describe!My doa will always be with u...hope that everyting will go on smoothly wothout any hassle and welcoming the lil one with our open arms....

Flower said...

Mmg cepat masa berlalu. Masa I pregnantkan Omar je I sampai tahan 34 minggu ni, sbb dilahir 35 weeks. Hana jgn ckplah, 32 weeks dah keluar dah. Apa2 pun Shinky, I doakan you selamat segala. Inshaallah.....


Mama of 2 Princess said...

Thank you, insyaAllah, akan letak gambar kat blog ni :)


sedapkan, rasa macam kunyah coklat jer, eh nak gi ambik ice cubes kat fridge jap...he he


thank you very much for your doa, memang tak dapat nak describe cemana rianya hati bila dah melahirkan kan farah. Itulah nikmat menjadi seorang wanita yang bergelar ibu.


cepat ek dua dua lahir. I ni kali ni pun mungkin c-sect jugak. thanx mallan sebab doakan shinky. Nanti shinky akan update kat sini.