Monday, May 26, 2008

~♥~Evening Walk With My Princess

These few days, the weather were not very hot, and nice to take my little princess for an evening walk. She seems so happy when i take her for a walk, as she can see people and the environment. I also need an excercise for myself :) So, go for a walk is just nice for both of us.

Here are the pictures which taken on day first of evening walk, Malaekah like to pluck flower. I don't know the name of the flower below, looks like a sunflower but so small.

Here she try to pluck this "pokok tasbih" flower, but it's too high for her :P

Day second, my princess with her bourgenville flowers. See, she try to pluck that flower.

Exploring it.....she looks so excited!!

Day third, she with our National Flower, hibiscus.

Day Fourth, Malaekah plucked this flower

I looooove this flower so much, i don't really know the name of it, it's a type or family of ixora i think. But it's produce a very nice fragrance. It's smell like "bunga cempaka". I love the smell of it. And it's so beautiful. This flower is so popular in our neighbourhood area.

Close Up

Here is jasmine, the National Flower of Pakistan, you can say, every house here has this plant.....and it's smell sooo goood too.

Okay, while walking, Malaekah met her friends, Mishal and Rabia.

Another pic of Mishal, Rabia and Malaekah. They both love to pick up malaekah.

My princess enjoying the environment...she enjoyed her evening walk very much.

Try to catch a butterfly....near the drain

Now, she was trying to catch the bird....sorry pic is not so clear :(

Enjoying yourself huh princess...plucking people flowers...he he

Okay, time to go home sweetheart, here few pics of her on the way to go home.

Lenggang "mak limah" he he

When reached at home, she pampering herself in her pool...... cool and calm huh :)

As a reward, mama got a sweet kiss from my little princess.....she is really my sweetheart. MAMA LOVE YOU MY BABY.


Gille said...

Rambut Ekah cantik, berkilau kilau. Budak budak suka sangat jalan jalan. it is nice as there is no need to use extra thick clothings macam di sini.

She is looking cute in her pool.
Hugs and muah from me.

Sultana said...

Ekah is so sweet shinky. :) Very nice thick black hair too. Rambut Bonnie sikit dan tak tebal. :( Species daddy dia... kah kah kah... shhhhhh... Tp nampak ada potensi nak lebat lah lagi.

kiss kiss to her.

Farah Deen said...

Yeah shinky...syari is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet la ekah good girl! Gaya dia pon very sweeeet sangat...kalau tenung balik muka diorang masa tido...rasa jap je kan, anak anak kita dah besar...and it's such a great experince looking at them and entertaining their wish and wants all the day.....And kawan kawan si ekah ni pon..comei comei....hugs and kisses to ekah...nanti upload lagi yek video nak boh gambaq mak labu lagi??hihihihi

Farah Deen said...

Shinky, Malekah looks sooooo pretty in these pics. Dia ngan kawan kawan dia semua nampak sama je, muka Arab habis dah! ni la best bila kawin campur, anak anak cun melecun! :)

nice flowers....and so sweet to see your little flower plucking the flowers!:)

Golden Quill said...

Hey!!! thanx. And blimey Malaeka is looking soooo gorgeous... these pics are pretty more clear then the previous one... Your garden seems interesting (I also have those shrubs with white and lovely pink flowers, they look stunning in the night).

Mama of 2 Princess said...

Thanx, rambut ekah tu lah agaknya satu-satunyer aset yang dia ada..he he. Dia memang suka main air, nak nak musim panas ni, kadang-kadang dia senyap jer, bila cari, rupa-rupanya dia kat hose luar, tengah main air sambil siram pokok bunga.


ekah tak leh lawan bonnie ler...bonnie lagi sweet, nak nak bila rambut dia dah panjang sekarang, nampak girly, dulu masa baby ramai yg silap ingat baby boy kan? ooooo...ngata hubby eh...he he. dun worry, rambut bonnie dah nampak lebat tuh...she is so pretty lah syari. i love to see her photos always.


hang panggei aku mak labu yer...tak pa tak per, tunggu baby kat dlm perut ni keluar...he he...cewah cam baguih jer na.

ekah tu nampak jer budiman, tapi sama jer macam bebudak lain, malah leeeeeeeebih nakal. Kalau dah ada adik nanti tak taulah cemana.

Ekah tu muka arab ker? takder lah, rupa perempuan melayu terakhir dia tuh..:P. Your kids apa kurangnyer, syabil dah lah hensem, bijak pulak tu, daryn...hmmm...bila dah besau nanti...kalah mummy dia tu.

gambar mak labu...tak yah lah kot, tunggu pancit nanti baru boleh letak...:P


My dear sis sara,
Thanx for your compliment, Malaekah looks more like me, malay look.

Yes, that flower produce very nice fragrant at night. I loove the smell of it.

p/s: i always visit your blog. Keen to know what u will write later :)