My 1st little princess mulut macam bertih, tak boleh diam, kalau tak percaya, tengok video kat bawah ni
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
~♥~Great Wall Of Kabul
It's not only in China there is a Great Wall, in Kabul, Afghanistan, there is a great wall too.
I have asked everyone about the wall. I have also tried to do some general research, but each story I find is different. What I have heard is, the wall was built to divide Kabul between two Kings, one Muslim and the other Buddhist in the 8th or 9th century. The information I have found in a few google searches is not that conclusive either, some people say it was built during a time when two brothers ruled the area, in order to divide the land between them. Others say that there is a love story behind it. I don't know that anyone really knows. It is mud bricks and stone, with windows here and there, and runs like stairs up the mountainside. Estimates of how old it is place it anywhere from 800 to 1600 years old.
I found from Lycos site which mentioned :
Kabul (Kaofeu) was conquered by the first Kushan Emperor, Kujula Kadphises, in the early 1st century CE and remained Kushan territory until at least the 3rd century CE. Kabul was one of the two capital cities of Kushans. It was later conquered by the Hephthalites in 425 CE followed by the Hindu Shahis. After their defeat, their descendants formed a small dynasty called Kabul-Shahan. The leaders of Kabul-Shahan built a long defensive wall around the city to protect it from possible attacks or invasions. This wall has survived until today and is considered as an old historical site.
Here I share with you all few pictures of Kabul Great Wall which I snapped few days back. Sorry again, the quality of the pics are not very good. Ambik gambo guna HP
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
~♥~Baghe Bala Park, Kabul
Pada hari raya pertama, lepas beraya di rumah sepupu hubby, shinky, mak usu ekah, mak uda dan pak uda dan baby mereka Yahya serta Ranaa ke Baghe Bala Park yang terletak di puncak bukit Baghe Bala. Malekah tak ada sebab dia ikut ana (nenek) dia beraya.
Macam tak percaya jer, bandar Kabul yang sedang membangun serta tercemar dengan pencemaran udara ni, terdapat sebuah taman yang sungguh indah dan nyaman udaranya. Ada banyak lagi taman riadah kat Kabul ni, shinky jer tak sempat lagi nak ceroboh..he he.
Okaylah, shinky share with you all beberapa gambar yang kami ambil di Baghe Bala Park.

Di belakang kami ialah rumah-rumah yang dibina di atas bukit, dan kebanyakkan rumah diperbuat daripada tanah liat atau lumpur. Sebelah shinky ialah mak uda ekah dan babynya Yahya.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
~♥~Aksi Raya Ala Kabuli
Mood raya dah abih dah, cuma mood nak update blog jer yang tersenggut senggut lagi. Adoilah, malas betul nak menaip...he he.

My beloved princessess.......i love u both
Duit raya ekah

Kat sini kan, diorang bagi telur rebus kat bebudak masa raya. Sebab, dulu-dulu diorang memang bagi telur rebus sebagai eidi. Sebab masa tu mana mampu nak bagi duit, hidup pun susah, masing-masing ada bela ayam, so telur memang banyak. Jadi, telur rebus dijadikan hadiah semasa hari raya. Sampai sekarang tradisi bagi telur rebus ni masih di amalkan di kampung-kampung. ekah banyak jugak dapat telur rebus..he he. Lupalak nak snap gambar telur rebus yang ekah dapat, dah habis di ngap oleh mi kaka dan mak usu ekah.