Since yesterday my second daughter, Ranaa got a fever. Pity her, yesterday, her right eye only red color and watery, today both of her eyes are red and full of tears.
Hopefully tomorrow she will get better, amin. Please don't cry baby, be strong and mama will take an extra excellent care of you sweetheart. Hidung pulak asyik meleleh....kesian nya puteri mama ni. Semakin kurus Ranaa sekarang. Cepat sembuh ya sayang.

Semalam, mata sebelah kiri merah dan berair

Hari ini, kedua-dua belah mata merah dan berair.
Hope she gets better soon. Selsema ke?
cepat sihat yer Ranaa..
thanks for this post.I hope she get better soon..
SEO Company India
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